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all images on this showcase site are mine with the sole exceptions of the Hubble Space Telescope's 17th, 22nd, 25th, and 30th anniversary photos contained within my insignia on this page


(auto-scrolling recommended for some pages)







official artwork made for inclusion within games, ranging from glorified vandalism to infamous evils players are doomed to become very familiar withformatted by relevant game, timespan through which works were made, and specific creditthis gallery is exhaustively captioned
hover over images and read for context

Midnight Horrors (2022–2024)
credited as "Shinjukyo" and "SHENSHOUJLNG"
listed chronologically in order of completion
a text-only list that also includes non-art contributions is readable here

Boost Vector (2019)
credited as "Grauzam"
listed chronologically in order of completion

a "best of" of much more recent fan work, unexhaustiveloosely in reverse chronological order
spans late 2021–present
(some images are unprotected for readability)

original character + design work
also includes oddities that i feel don't fit layer-two
similarly a "best of" of art from recent years
reverse chronological order, 2019–present

LEILA * 23


extended info
roblox profile

i've long been exposed to the arts courtesy of family raising me on it, but i got especially serious about wanting to draw in 2007-08 as i introduced myself to animanga through the web.
i started drawing digitally on iPad some time in 2012 and got my first (and, to this day, only) "proper" drawing tablet—a CTH-670—Christmas that year.
i predominantly draw for fun because fun things are fun.


i'm also a terminal otaku, music obsessor, and mezzo-soprano. at a point, i was stumbling my way through sound design and need to get back around to doing that.
i am concerningly real. i may or may not be in your drain.
here's some plastic. see you around.